REGISTER NOW for our 3-Part Webinar Series on Using Graston Technique on the Pediatric Population


An Integrative Approach with Complementary Therapies




During this 59 minute online course, GT Instructor Jackie Shakar will review:

Webinar Objective

  1.  Identify the current evidence for the effectiveness/efficacy of cupping, kinesiology taping, self-myofascial release, therapeutic exercise/neuromuscular re-education and the Graston Technique®
    2. Identify the indications and contraindications (relative and absolute) for the complementary therapies included in this webinar
    3. Demonstrate how cupping and kinesiology taping can be utilized with the Graston Technique® when treating a patient with post-radiation shoulder stiffness
    4. Demonstrate how self-myofascial release can be integrated into most manual therapy sessions including those that include the Graston Technique®
    5. Demonstrate how therapeutic exercise and neuromuscular re-education is integrated into a session that includes the Graston Technique.

How It Works:

  1. Easy Access: After purchase, you’ll gain immediate access to your chosen GT Shorts through our user-friendly platform.
  2. Engage and Learn: Dive into high-quality content at your own pace. Each GT Short is designed to deliver maximum value in minimal time.
  3. Download your Certificate: Download your Certificate of Completion before the short course expires in 60 days.


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