Have you completed the Essential Training?

Advanced Training is only available to those who have successfully completed Essential Training.

Advanced Self-Paced Training

Advanced Self-Paced Training emphasizes Graston Technique (GT) therapy examination and treatment approach for musculoskeletal dysfunction/mechanical pain that can be applied in all patient cases.

Components of the GT therapy examination will include movement loss, lesion localization and resistive testing. Preventative/corrective exercises to augment the GT therapy intervention will be discussed.

Participants will learn to select and implement the most efficient and effective GT therapy interventions, while restoring function and alleviating pain. The goal of this course is to advance the student or clinician’s skills in the successful management of musculoskeletal dysfunction using Graston Technique therapy and movement.

Advanced Self-Paced Training

Advanced Self-Paced Training emphasizes Graston Technique (GT) therapy examination and treatment approach for musculoskeletal dysfunction/mechanical pain that can be applied in all patient cases.

Components of the GT therapy examination will include movement loss, lesion localization, and resistive testing. Preventative/corrective exercises to augment the GT therapy intervention will be discussed.

Participants will learn to select and implement the most efficient and effective GT therapy interventions while restoring function and alleviating pain. The goal of this course is to advance the student or clinician’s skills in the successful management of musculoskeletal dysfunction using Graston Technique therapy and movement.

Advanced Training is only available to those who have successfully completed Essential Training.


Advanced Training Package:
$695 $46633% Off
Student Advanced Training Package:
$595 $46622% Off

Training Agenda

Hour 0-0.5

Participant will identify the effects, benefits, physiological responses, indication & contraindications of Graston Technique based on empirical evidence regarding manual therapy and its effects on the human neuromyofascial system.

  • Welcome and Introduction to Advanced Training
  • Principles relating to soft-tissue dysfunction
  • Anticipated responses and results from using GT instruments on the human neuromyofascial system (quick overview)

Hour 0.5-1.5 

Participant will review proper handholds and Essential Training treatment strokes using GT instruments.

  • Review of each instrument as needed
  • Proper handholds and treatment strokes
  • Reviewing most common applications of scanning, sweeping, strumming, brushing, swiveling, scooping, j-strokes and framing (regional applications)

Hour 1.5-4

Participant will identify 3 key features of the myofascial system that warrant 3-dimensional treatment.

  • Fascial physiology & structural considerations
  • Anticipated responses and results from using GT instruments on the human neuromyofascial system (Expanded discussion to include relevant research updates)
  • Indications & Contraindications
  • Documentation & Billing
  • Advanced Treatment Parameters
  • Advanced Treatment Algorithm

Hour 4-5

Participant will integrate 7 functional movement patterns into a GT assessment.

  • What is Functional Testing & Common Systems
  • Test/Treat/Retest
  • Regional Interdependence
  • Selecting Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) as a Means of Detecting Dysfunction in the Human Neuromyofascial System
  • Functional Testing of the Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbosacral Spines

Hour 5-6.5 (All Lab)

Participant will identify 3 GT treatment techniques for a patient with a faulty breathing pattern and/or a mobility of the abdominal wall, diaphragm & anterior pelvis.

  • Why Assess Breathing
  • Breathing & Abdominal Wall Assessments
  • Functional Testing of the abdominal wall, diaphragm & anterior pelvis
  • Essential & Advanced strokes applied to the abdominal wall, diaphragm & anterior pelvis

Hour 6.5-8

Participant will identify 3 GT treatment techniques for patient with a mobility or motor control deficit of the spine.

  • Essential & Advanced strokes applied to the cervical, thoracic & lumbosacral spines
  • Static tissue preparation then additional of movement & load

Hour 8-8.5

Participant will integrate 3 GT treatment interventions into a plan of care for a patient with tendinosis.

  • Tendonitis vs. tendinosis
  • Review of evidence regarding common interventions for tendinopathy (levels of evidence provided)
  • GT Tendinosis Protocol (Demonstration of)
  • UE & LE Tendinosis Assessment Techniques
  • Rotator Cuff Tendinosis & Epicondylosis, Hamstring, Patellar & Achilles Tendinosis

Hour 8.5-9

Participant will identify 3 GT treatment techniques for a patient with a restricted or painful scar.

  • GT Scar Mobilization Principles
  • Nudging, Lifting & Skin Rolling Scars with movement & load
  • GT Edema Techniques

Hour 9-11

Participant will integrate 3 GT treatment interventions into a plan of care for a patient with an upper quarter mobility or motor control deficit.

  • Functional Testing of the UE
  • Essential & Advanced strokes applied to the UE, static tissue preparation then addition of movement & load

Hour 11-13

Participant will integrate 3 GT treatment interventions into a plan of care for a patient with a lower quarter mobility or motor control deficit.

  • Functional Testing of the LE
  • Essential & Advanced strokes applied to the LE, static tissue preparation then addition of movement & load

Hour 13-13.75

Participant will integrate 3 new treatment concepts for a patient that did not respond to Essential techniques.

  • LE Case Study
  • UE Case Study

Hour 13.75-14

Participant will identify available resources for practice integration and further development.

  • Practice integration
  • Additional resources


In-Person Training

Our standard 14-hour, in-person group training held over two consecutive days at regional locations.

Live Online Training

A 3-hour, self-paced precourse followed by multiple group video teleconference sessions hosted by a GT trainer.